Speaking about Cremona, you certainly cannot say that it is one of the most welcoming cities in  Italy. In winter,  cold and  fog  enter your bones and in summer  the hot and humid weather  of the Po valley,  takes your breath away. But in few other places in the world you can have  encounters  that,  without being exaggerated,  I could define as extra-terrestrial.

Cello bow by  D.T. Navea Vera

About three weeks ago a customer of ours called and told me that in the next few days he  would have come  to Cremona and he wondered if it was possible to carry out a rehairing in one  day. - "Of course, you just have to be  patient and wait a couple of  hours" -, - "No problem" - he says, - "I come to town to play the "Cristiani" and considering that  the Master will rehair the  Fetique , I think I will play it  with your bow, would you like to attend ?  "-.

The Cristiani, is probably one of the most beautiful and famous Stradivari cellos existing, Mendelssohn wrote for him; obviously I did not wait for  the invitation to be repeated twice.

From the first moment it  entered the room, it  imposed its presence, not only the building  technique of the instrument is superb, but looking at it, one  almost has the impression that it  is alive, so high is the energy it exudes .

As if we were moving in a dreamscape, the rehearsal  began and the sound  literally flooded the room. I was immobilized. There was sound everywhere, a feeling of fullness never heard before, almost as if it was passing thru you. When,  after a few minutes the musician stopped for a break, it was like waking up.

I do not know why  the musician had brought with him his cello, so  unexpectedly  he  wanted to make a couple of notes with his instrument, I assume to better focus the different sizes in  both of them.

I could not believe my ears. Leaving aside the tone of the instrument, not even comparable  to  Stradivari's one , the most surprising thing is that it brought me back to reality  in a sudden and surprising way. The room  became  at once ten times larger, similar to the difference you feel when you switch from a living room to a theater.

I had already heard my customer's  cello,  played with that bow , and in our laboratory it  seemed to have, in addition to a good tone  a great mass of sound as well; that morning it seemed hoarse!

It was not possible  that it  sounded so little. After a moment of confusion I understood;  I looked around and to my surprise I noticed that the room where we were was much larger than I had judged. The feeling of fullness reached  with the Stradivari had given me the impression that it was smaller, by coming back  to a  normal instrument also the room was resized.

I do not think that  the beauty of such a sound can be explained, not even  how it managed to get it, but the acoustical physics allows me to explain  the amplitude and persistence of this instrument.

Very high sound speed and nonexistent harmonic distortion !

The high transmission speed makes the  damping times  of the sound to be  very long, and the purity (very low harmonic distortion), let  the instrument  lose its physicality. Let me explain it better.

The harmonic distortion is a disorder caused by a non-perfect signal encoding. If we were talking of an electronic device, the noise would be due to the electrical reactions inside  the device itself. In stringed instruments it is not dissimilar. Again, these distortions are introduced by an imperfect harmonization of the system and the higher they are , the  more the instrument  materializes.

The distortion affects  the emission and portability of sound , which remains inside the instrument materializing it. When, instead, as in the case of the "Cristiani", the distortion is very low, the instrument loses physicality and becomes only sound.

This is the reason why  my client's cello was annihilated in the comparison , probably if he had played in a much smaller room, it would have been less ruthless.

It is less critical to apply the proper acoustic solution to two square meters than two hundred.

I told you this story, first because it was really a  good experience, and then for you to realize that to  make  proper sound choices , both from the performer and manufacturer's point of  view, a serious research job, the good old scientific method, is involved.

If you want to see the color of cats you have to turn on the light, or, as my father says, "All cats are grey in the dark”!

P.S. : The other protagonist of the day is depicted in the opening photo. 5900 m / s for  81.5 grams of elegance and power!

Furthermore I am pleased  to announce  Master Ilya Grubert's latest work , the complete sonatas for violin and piano by Brahms, performed in a duo with Ms. Alena Cherny.

Click and listen to the  samples

So long
