This week, instead of the promised articles by Eng. Bianchi, I would like to indulge on the nice viola bows that blossomed during May thanks to Maestro Navea Vera and, since they are really too beautiful, I could not help showing them to you.


Before starting to describe the bows, I would like to express my thanks to M° Bruno Giuranna and M° Danilo Rossi who tried and appreciated a lot M° Navea Vera's recent works, it is always challenging to get such opinions from so high-skilled musicians

The golden fleece


I still remember when we bought the magnificent piece of wood that has given birth to the bow you see here above. Often the decision of how to use and whether to use a certain type of wood requires analysis and reflection, but when a few months ago, M °Navea Vera and me, found this stick in our hands, just a glance was enough to decide what kind of bow could have come out of it.


Perfect cut, high density, extremely high sound speed, above 5800 m/s and a really undescribable color.


Very peculiar pastel shade. The brown is a very dark one (unfortunately it cannot be properly appreciated in the photo) but with a golden reflex brightening it.



As further addiction to its beauty, during the working proceeds, a very thick veining started to appear.

Fitting in turtle and gold wire 


 The same light that distinguish the visible color can be found in the tone as well. It is soft but not all weakened. It is dark and deep but very well defined and, as already told, a light blow  helps it to fly.


 Citing M° Giuranna, it is mechanically "Extremely pleasant to play". It is ductile and homogeneous throughout the stick but at the same time it has a quick and precise response.


 2-part knee and contoured eye


 Conical button in 1 piece with double collar


 Slide with "heart shaped" mother of pearl

Weight 71 g


 The other models


Very dense and full stick, veining in light brown color. Its mechanic level is not lower than the previous one and it is more resistant.

Ebony and silver fitting," heart shaped" mother of pearl, whalebone and silver wire.

Weight 71 g


Powerful and defined sound but darker than the previous one. The cut is an excellent one with visible medullar rays on the head. Fitting in ebony, silver and mother of pearl, lapping with a silver wire, diameter of 0,20 mm

Weight 71,5 g

So long
